About Me

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I have been married to my husband for 19 years, and have 2 wonderful daughters, 16 and 15. I love being a wife and mother. I have recently discovered that I love to quilt. I especially love that it is MY thing in this house of mine. My family members have NO desire to take up my new found hobby and join along with me.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I've been putting off posting I guess I am just being a coward.  Big confession... I tend to start a project and then head a whole different direction than when I planned.
Its some sort of thing where I expect bigger and better from myself.  Its as if I am a perfectionist that sabotages herself.

It goes something like: "It's not perfect, it won't be perfect so why am I even trying.

I did my first DP4 square and it looked like this

I did not like it at all ; it is just not what I imagined it should be it was too small or something.
So I added a piece to make it a little bigger.

Nope there was no way (I decided) I was going to make a bunch of squares that I wasn't liking because they were too big or too small.

I decided to just start playing around and cut and reattach and recut and ...... well you know what I mean.

I then became way too overwhelmed and wanted some immediate satisfaction. I skipped on over to Crafty Gemini and found a Great Crafty Gemini Drawstring bag tutorial  and came up with these

I got a little bit of satisfaction and now its off to try to do something with the colors I insisted on having and create some sort of a quilt with it.

I think when I am finished I am going to sneak on over to This great fabric store/site Sky Reves Fabrics where Natasha was nice enough to answer my question.  (Thank You hope to hear from you soon)

Be well everyone-- say hello

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It seems every time I  take a minute to look over everyones newest addition in the land of quilts  here in blogger land, I look up at the clock  to find it has been much longer than a minute. Anyone else have that challenge? There is such beautiful work it is all so inspiring. I then find I've given away time that I could have used at my sewing machine.  Sigh---

I started last night  cutting fabric for the Disappearing four patch that will be my next project. I've never really followed a set pattern before and  I had been admiring the turquoise / red quilts I've been seeing on all of the wonderful blogs I follow. I  decided to make one with those beautiful colors for myself.

This weekend was the first time in a very-long-time, my family was all home together without a few extra teens. I love it when my girls have their friends over but it was kinda nice just us. I decided I would work while we watched a movie together. I hauled my cutting mat, fabric and all the needed doo-dads to the family room and started in.

Two yards  of material later I realized I was cutting the wrong fabric for the squares.

  I either sighed really loud or my husband had been watching me cut because he said-- "uh oh, thats the I need more fabric look, I know that look".  I had actually wanted to use the fabric I cut for the backing.  I will have to think of something and what I'm not sure yet but I set it aside for the night and grabbed a bowl of popcorn and  kicked back under my "too small quilt" that I finished earlier.

After I complete my Sunday chores or groceries and laundry catch up , dinner and dishes I think I will try a practice disappearing 4 patch. However, it occurred to me that I just might try some square in square pattern and use all of the fabrics. You see--- this is why it takes me so long to complete a quilt: because it takes me a while to decide how to begin the quilt.

Will post the results of my "maybe's" .... soon.

Be well my friends! (and say hello)

Friday, March 2, 2012

So I am not sure what to call my newest completed quilt.  I have a few thoughts in mind thought. When I finished and proudly showed it to my husband he asked---- " why don't you make your quilts bigger, so somebody can sleep under them?"  Well----- because I am just learning and it is more difficult to fit under the sewing machine that I have: hint hint hint....... deaf ears.

Just took a little nap under it and it suits me just fine: It measures 41x55.

Why the strange measurements?  well,  I just kinda start sewing and quit when I run out of fabric.  I never really have a planned result in mind.

This is the first semi planned pattern I guess its a stacked coin.  I had purchased on ebay a bunch of 5" squares and when I got them I just stashed them away.  After a few months I got them out and started slicing and sewing. I think there may even be a few fabrics from another set I picked up along the way.

So I sewed the top adding white , sandwiched the quilt and stuck it away to start something different.

Just a week or so ago I pulled it out again and decided to change the backing.  I'm glad I did.

The binding is machine sewn, there is no way I think I can take the challenge now to learn to hand sew the binding,   someday- uh - maybe.

I learned to do the binding  from crafty gemini-- have you seen her tutorials? She is awesome--
click here to watch

So: here is my latest: "Outta the closet"

Be well,